28 Feb

Uptime Report, January’2011

Here we are attaching the uptime report of “hera.ihostman.com” server for the month of January’2011. As you can see there was 17 minute downtime recorded which caused while we were rebooting the server after successfully upgrading the kernel of this server.

Server Name: Hera (hera.ihostman.com)
Month: January
Monitor Period: 1min interval
Downtime Reason: Kernel Upgrade
Uptime Monitor Site: http://www.pingdom.com/reports/o8tg5oi83rib/

Uptime Report - January, 2011

28 Feb

TetraHost’s Facebook Page!

TetraHost has finally setup a Facebook account! We really like when people follow us and “like” us. It’s just another venue for us to really stay in touch and communicate with our users. Please Follow us and like us! We can be found at http://www.facebook.com/TetraHost

We will be posting some great specials/promotions for current clients and new clients. Also we will try to keep you updated weekly about the new and exciting things happening at TetraHost.