18 Jun

How to create backups in cPanel

A full cPanel backup includes all account files, databases, email accounts and settings. We recommend creating a full cPanel backup before any major data modification/migration or to keep data backup of an account.

1. Go to cPanel > Files section > Backup menu:

with cPanel Jupiter Theme

with cPanel Retro Theme

2. Click on Download a Full Website Backup:

3. By default, a full cPanel backup will be saved into your account home directory.
Go ahead and change Backup Destination if you would like to choose another target location for the backup.

Please provide your Email Address where the server will send an notification once its completed generating the backup and is ready for download.

Click on Generate Backup to proceed:

4. You will see the following message notifying about the start of the backup generation process:

5. Click on Go Back to monitor the status of the generation process real time.

The green checkmark next to the backup name will indicate that the backup generation has been completed. You can now either download it or navigate to the remote server to see if the backup is there:

21 Dec

Announcement: R1Soft Restore Backups

We live in a digitalized world where most of the processes of your company have shifted to the online realm. The website of your company contains all the critical information about your company which if lost can prove to be a huge trouble for your organization. Thus, what you need is a daily backup plan which will keep an online backup of all your company data on a regular basis and will prevent it from getting lost.

We are pleased to announce revolutionary R1Soft Server Backup Manager backups are available on all shared hosting and reseller servers effective 21/12/2017. R1Soft backup interface can be accessed by visiting “R1soft Restore Backups” Icon in cPanel files section which will take you to our backup servers. You can restore any file or folder from this interface including entire account home directory if required. Client will be able to restore databases as well from same panel.

Protection of your data is our foremost priority and this is only an additional layer which will provide you full control of your backups.

For more information regarding R1Soft Server Backup Manager Technology please visit: https://www.r1soft.com/product-features

We have prepared an video tutorial and uploaded it to Youtube. We hope this will help you access/manage R1Soft backup feature and restore files.

There will be 10 restore point currently which means our clients will be able to restore data from last 10 days. This is an addon service from TetraHost which cost nothing extra 🙂

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding this service.